Our Work

Vertical Garden & Hydroponic Systems

  • Everyone living in apartments in the cities and towns have an balcony. We provide a rack with containers so that in a small space of approx 3’ X 2’ X 6’ (Height) you can grow 60 vegetables or herbs. You can grow a variety of vegetables like tomatoes, spinach, parsley, garlic, chives, coriander, basil, beans, lettuce, chilli.
  • We provide different choices of vertical garden setup as per your requirements and budget.
  • You can have a vertical garden where the plants will grow in a mixture of charcoal, coir peet and compost soil.
  • OR

  • You can have a vertical garden where the plants will grow in water or by hydroponics.
  • OR

  • Both systems.
  • All the water that will be used to water the plants will be magnetised. We provide along with the kit a magnet to magnetise the water you will use.
  • The magnetised water will be used both in the hydroponic system and in the container system.
  • We will provide you with the soil to start with and if you need more we can show you how to make it yourself or you can order from us.
  • We will provide you to start with the organic natural nutrients to add to the magnetised water, and for repeat orders you can source it yourself or you can order from us.
  • We can provide you with some extras like:

We have developes an indigenous systems of organic hydroponics which does not need the use of any chemicals or pesticides. Our system can be used and managed easily by every housewife, who can keep such a unit on their balcony or terrace or garden. The price is very affordable . Our system can also be used on a larger scale in greenhouses with great savings from the expensive chemicals and pesticides.

We would like to encourage every householder living in cities to grow their own herbs and vegetables. This is possible by setting up a vertical garden on the balcony, which uses up very little space but grows vertically. Anyone can grow organic veggies and herbs in their balcony without worrying about the space and fertilisers and pesticides. Our research shows that magnetised water will look after all that. So we provide a magnet with every kit.

Tree Plantation

Every year before the rain we plant tree. This is the small contribution to mother earth.


We have done forestation work in the hills where we live, planting the hillsides with indigenous trees and building check dams to conserve the rain water.

Industrial Bio Filters

We help to clean up the effluent waste from the factories with bio filters and vetiver floats.

Krishi Yatra in Punjab

We have been working with the farmers encouraging them to go back to organic farming. For that we have taken out Krishi Yatras (Pilgrims), meeting the farmers on their farms, explaining the benefits of organic farming, giving live demonstrations and teaching sessions on their farms.

Cleaning up Village Ponds and Tanks

We help to clean up village ponds and tanks with bio filters, bio floats and vetiver plantation at the outlates with bio filters and bio floats.

Planting and distribution of fruit trees to farmers

Every year in the rains we plant trees and distribute fruit trees to farmers. That is our small contribution to keep the environment green.

Organic Demonstration Farms

We have set up demonstration farms so farmers can come and visit and see for themselves how successfully plants can be grown by using only organic methods. In the demonstration Farm we showed all different forms of organic farming methods so the farmer could choose which is the most convenient for him to adopt. And we are working on removing the middle man, so all profits go back to the farmers.

For this purpose we are collecting a core revolving funds,where we buy products in season from the farmer and pay them the price immediately. We then store the product and sell it when the price go up.


All profits from the price rise go back to the farmer.